Advice from one of our lactation consultants

If you are breastfeeding and have any problems, then you could ask one of our lactation consultants for help. A lactation consultant is a breastfeeding expert. She offers mothers information and advice on breastfeeding and helps tackle breastfeeding problems. Our lactation consultants are registered with the NVL (Netherlands Lactation Consultant Association) and IBCLC certified (International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners). This means that they are fully qualified and obliged to take regular refresher courses to stay up to date with the latest developments.

When should you seek the advice of a lactation consultant?

There are various reasons for anyone breastfeeding to ask a lactation consultant for help. Such as:

  • If breastfeeding is painful.
  • A poor breastfeeding latch.
  • Your baby won't breastfeed or is fussy at the breast.
  • Your baby is unsettled or sleepy while feeding.
  • Your baby is not growing well.
  • Too little or too much milk.
  • Mastitis or recurrent mastitis (inflammation of the breast).
  • Problems expressing breast milk.
  • Weaning.
  • Breastfeeding twins.

Options and costs

There are various ways to access the advice of one of our lactation consultants:

House visit
Our lactation consultant will visit you at home. You will receive a 1.5 hour consultation and a visit report with advice.

Cost: €123
A subsequent consultation costs €82 per hour (charged per 15 minutes).

Virtual lactation advice
If you request virtual advice, the lactation consultant will contact you via Whatsapp or Facetime. The virtual consultation will last either 30 or 60 minutes and you will receive a consultation report afterwards.

Cost: €41 for 30 minutes, €82 for 60 minutes

Consultation by phone or email
If you only have a simple question about breastfeeding and don't require a full consultation, you can contact one of our lactation consultants by phone or email.Call: 088 - 77 88 589 or email your question to

Cost: €25,63 for a consultation by phone or email.

In many cases these costs will be partly or fully refunded by health insurers, possibly subject to a (required) referral from a doctor, obstetrician, GP or midwife. Your health insurer will be able to tell you what you are entitled to.

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